Please keep the following in your prayers:

  • Peggy Literski’s mom as she begins adjustment to living in a nursing facility which is now her new home.
  • Brenda Tomlinson who suffered a significant stroke this past Monday and was hospitalized at Central DuPage Hospital.
  • Linda White’s great-niece, Tabitha who has been hospitalized due to difficulties with her latest pregnancy.
  • Jean Blevins’ niece, Kelly Lieffring and her family.  This past Wednesday medical testing revealed a brain tumor and Kelly underwent surgery on yesterday (Thursday).
  • Larry Fournier and Stan Clark as they each continue their recovery from surgery.
  • Duane and Janet Graf request prayers for their son-in-law, Steve (who is the husband of their daughter, Dayna) and Steve’s family on the death of Steve’s father, Bob Nowak who died on November 27th.