Last Sunday we had our very first December Charity Drive, and what a beautiful day it was for this special community event!  I want to offer a huge “thank you!” to everyone who participated in any way:  to those who stayed and helped, to those who donated, and to those who prayed for this event!

During the course of the day we had 4 people outside of the church stop by the “Charity Drive”.  Some of them just saw we were out there as they drove by, and stopped.  There was one gentleman who stopped with a car full of bags, so he must have seen the sign and was preparing to come.  Perhaps some of you may be thinking: “That was a waste of my time, if we only had 4 people stop by in 4 hours.”  However, I can honestly tell you that that 4 hour time period was a very valuable experience and truly worth my time and the time of all who were involved in this important opportunity to share with our community:  The Lord provided us with a beautiful day to be outside in December.  We were doing something for others.  We collected clothing that filled up a pickup and car; a box of pet supplies and $50 cash for the Animal Shelter and an SUV full of canned goods!

We were NOTICED! Everyone in a car that drove down Algonquin Road between 11am and 3pm on Sunday December 2nd turned to look at why we were gathered, playing games on the lawn, eating pizza and socializing and standing around boxes marked clothing, food and pet supplies!  We were a witness to God’s work to love your neighbor as yourself.  Maybe someone will come visit the church; and, when asked “how did you find us?” they will say they saw us gathered outside and wondered what we did inside.

I tell you friends, truly those 4 hours were NOT a waste of my day!  I had an opportunity to visit with people and get to know them more, a chance to reach out to others, to be outside on a gorgeous December day when I would have otherwise been lost in my own selfish “to do list” at home…and all of this while praising God.  GOD is good indeed!! ALL THE TIME!

God’s blessings are abundant and during this Christmas season, let us not forget the real reason for this season!! Thanks be to God!


Deb Thomas