We received our first donation from Amazon Smile of $55.81! Amazon Smile donates 0.5% of the total purchase price of eligible items (subscriptions are not included) purchased on amazon.com by registered users. Amazon pays out the charitable donation at the end of each quarter.
Thanks to everyone who registered with Amazon Smile and chose Christ United Methodist Church in Algonquin IL as their charitable organization. If you shop on amazon.com and wish to join others who use Amazon Smile to support our church…

  • Go to https://smile.amazon.com/ch/36-3791176
  • Confirm your charity organization as Christ UMC in Algonquin. Your choice of Christ UMC in Algonquin will be saved and will appear at the top of the page every time you sign on to smile.amazon.com.
  • Sign into smile.amazon.com every time you shop on Amazon. A drop down on the page will give you a running total of how much amazon is donating to Christ UMC from your account.
  • Remember you must sign onto smile.amazon.com in order for your purchases to qualify for the donation from Amazon.
  • NOTE: you do NOT need to be an Amazon Prime member!