Last week a college student called me as part of the alumni fundraising campaign.   The student wanted me to commit to a certain gift amount.  I wanted to think about the amount.  The student suggested an amount, but I actually wanted to consider if I could give more than she suggested.  She told me I couldn’t be part of the phonathon if I wouldn’t select an amount, and our conversation soon ended.   Now, I am asking you to think about your own finances, to pray about the world-wide need, and then determine what you can afford to give…and while you are at it, maybe reflect about all your donation dollars.

What exactly can one afford to give?  Do we need to rethink our budget?   What are we called upon to do as Christians?  If we are called to be the hand and feet of Christ, perhaps we need to think about our time, our energy and our money.  Where should we direct our money?

There’s an insert in our church bulletin this Sunday, and on it there is a website address for additional information about UMCOR.   Please spend some time in reflecting and in prayer about this during the next ten days.   UMCOR Sunday is March 31st, and we will have special UMCOR offering envelopes at church.   We accept checks.  We accept coins.  We accept bills.   If you pay by check, please write “UMCOR Sunday” on your envelope.   We realize your taxes are also due, and if you need to wait until April 14th, we understand.

Maylo Hranac, Co-Mission Chair