This month the church mission team is collecting the “most needed items’ for the TLS-Veterans of McHenry County.   These non-perishable items include cans of protein such as chicken, beef, turkey and peanut butter; cans of fruit, paper products such as towels, toilet paper, ‘kleenex”; bath soap, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes and feminine hygiene products.   TLS has multiple programs to help veterans who are homeless, unemployed or having difficulties adjusting to civilian life.   You will find an insert in your church bulletin this Sunday describing the services of TLS.   Please review it.   Monetary donations to TLS will be given to TLS, and these will be used by TLS volunteers to supplement their food pantry.   Checks should be made payable to Christ United Methodist Church, and you need to write “TLS-Veterans” on the memo line.
Your Church Mission Team