from the 5/9/19 N.I.C. Weekly eNews  The Council of Bishops (COB) meeting in Rosemont adjourns today after a week of worship, prayer, and tough conversations. This is the first meeting for the bishops following the rulings from the Judicial Council, the United Methodist’s top court, on the Traditional Plan.
During the opening worship’s sermon, COB President Rev. Kenneth H. Carter said to the 120 active and retired bishops in attendance, “We need to leave this place different than when we arrived. Something needs to happen. We need to say something to the church. Something needs to change.”
In a video interview, Bishop Sally Dyck said there has been some honest conversations in covenant groups, around tables, and in panel discussions, but noted it’s important for people to begin to think about what a new expression of the roots of our Methodist Wesleyan heritage might be.
“I do know there are wonderful clergy and laity in our conference who are doing all the good they can, in all they ways they can, and that’s what United Methodists do,” said Bishop Dyck. “They continue on with the mission but they do wonder what will happen.” Click here to watch the video. Watch for news from the conclusion of the COB’s meeting on the NIC’s social media channels and on the COB’s website.