Join Pastor Lee and April in attending the District Leadership Training event January 26th (8:15am-12:30pm) at First U.M.C. in Arlington Heights.  Several workshop offer a variety of valuable resources for local church leaders.  No RSVP required, walk-ins are welcome!

Once again the Elgin District of the Northern Illinois Conference is offering the annual Elgin District Leadership Training Event for ministry team leaders of local churches.  This year’s event will be held on Saturday, January 26, 2013 (8:30am-12:30pm) at First United Methodist Church located at 1903 East Euclid Avenue in Arlington Heights.

See the information below for details on the available workshops. Although this is a free training event, and although the planners and workshop leaders of this event would appreciate your RSVP/Pre-registration (see below–please RSVP by 1/15/13), please know that walk-ins are welcome.  However, pre-registration also includes an opportunity to list additional needs, such as child care, handicap accessibility, dietary, and Spanish or Korean language translation.

NOTE: in the event of inclement weather and the need to cancel, district clergy will be notified and the announcement will be posted at

You will find copies of the information shown below posted on our bulletin board outside of the church office, or contact Judy in our church office if you would like a printed copy.  You can either give her a call at 847-669-9009, ext. 2, or send her an e-mail: