Thank you says it best.  We thank each of you who donated deodorant and razors these past few weeks.  We received 158 bottles of deodorant, 428 razors and 20 bars of soap.   We never imagined that we would receive this, but we know this many are needed.  Peggy Literski delivered these on Sunday, June 2nd when she went to annual conference.  They were loaded on the Midwest Mission Center’s truck, and by now they have been unloaded and are being packed in “personal dignity kits.”  Churches in other districts in our conference provided the other items for the kits.

So…where will these go next?   They are combined with other personal hygiene items, packaged individually, and handed out to those affected by disasters.   Last year there were more requests for personal dignity kits than any other item…even more than the “cleaning buckets.”  They are sent out in batches of 4,000 – 5,000 per truck shipment.  Judging by the rain this week, we are pretty sure a community has already requested them.

We’ve heard reports that the Mississippi River and its tributaries have flooded many communities.  You’ve probably seen pictures of automobiles standing in 5-6 feet of water in Midwest towns.  You certainly know how many events have been cancelled because of rain.  For most of us in this area the rain is an inconvenience, but for some it is a destruction of a home, of this year’s income, of a business.  For the people personally affected by rain, tornadoes and high winds…Thank you for your donations.

Bonnie Dodge and Maylo Hranac, Mission Co-Chairs