Women’s Thursday Morning Bible Study

Wiser Together by Willow Creek Pastor Bill Hybels

starting January 10th at 9:00am at Christ UMC

  Willow Creek takes seriously its privilege of providing wisdom-building opportunities designed to help people strengthen their “wisdom muscle” in the areas of relationships, finances, habits, biblical knowledge, issues of compassion, and more.

But there is a catch. People must take action.

“The person responsible for making sure you grow in wisdom is the person looking you in the mirror each morning,” says Senior Pastor Bill Hybels. “No one else can make you grow. No one else can make me grow. It’s up to us to be self-feeders, to pursue wisdom diligently—and it’s well worth the reward.”

   Be where God’s Word is taught

Wisdom begins with God—and His Word is the primary source of wisdom for Christ followers. Willow devotes 11 weeks to the Wiser series in order to pursue God’s wisdom through a focused study of the book of Proverbs.

   Do a self-evaluation. Consider your current circumstances, upcoming decisions, and season of life. Prayerfully ask God to help you identify an area in which He wants you to grow in wisdom. Ask your spouse or a few close friends where they think you could use a wisdom-building workout. Remember: you don’t have to accomplish everything at once; just choose one area to focus on, and go for it. Over time, your wisdom will expand and deepen.

   Commit. Sign up—and show up! Pursuing wisdom takes intentionality, so be proactive in protecting your wisdom-building choices.

The Book & DVD study is free, if you’re interested in attending please email Kim Aupperle @ kimberlyaupp@yahoo.com for your free book. Then we’ll see you on Thursday, January 10th.

May God bless your steps with your fellow sisters in Christ as we grow “Wiser Together”