Please pray for the following:

  • For Stan Clark was admitted to the hospital for medical testing due to bleeding problems.
  • For Susan Choromokos’s family—that they may resolve their differences.
  • For Brenda Tomlinson and her family. Brenda is now under Hospice Care and has been moved to Rosewood Care Center in Elgin (see our church bulletin board for her address).
  • For Chuck Young who is scheduled to have surgery on Monday, January 7th.
  • For Judy Turner who’ll be having a second surgery for breast cancer.
  • For all those who are less fortunate—take a moment and think about the blessings in your life.
  • For Joy for all in 2013.

Please continue prayers for the following:

  • Our church members who are suffering health issues.
  • The Newtown families who are grieving their losses.
  • The homeless, and our troops who are away from home.