Here are some checking points and information for all who plan to worship on the church campus this week and moving forward:
1. You will need a smartphone or tablet to watch the service.
2. Bring your masks and water bottles. You must wear a mask when you
leave your car.
3. Park your vehicle in every other spot.
4. If you want to sit outside, bring your lawn chair (and umbrella if you wish).
5. The Ushers and Safety Monitor will pass out a WiFi connection and
password information card. When they come to you, lower the car
window and take the information card from the box. At the same time,
drop your signed Health Screening Covenant form into the box. You only
have to sign the Health Screening Covenant once. We will keep it on file.
6. There will be an Offering & Prayer Request basket on the portico.
Please drop your offerings and/or written prayer requests in the basket as
you leave the church.
7. If you need to use the restroom, you will be checked-in by the Safety
Monitor -who will take your temperature and check that you are wearing a