This Sunday is “Get Your Cans to Church Sunday”. The last Sunday of each month is our church’s designated day to support the Food Pantry. You can either bring canned good items or make a monetary donation. If you have any questions, please see a member of the mission team on Sunday.


The Mission Team Recommendations
for the next time you go shopping

In the month of March we will be collecting for Grafton Food Pantry
Items that the Food Pantry is currently in need of due to short supply from the Food Bank and other vendors:

Food Items:
canned tuna
canned chicken
canned salmon
fresh, canned, or frozen fruit
healthy snacks
juice, tea, applesauce
yogurt, pudding, jello
Personal Care and paper goods:
deodorant, razors, feminine hygiene products
soap, body wash
toilet paper, paper towels, tissues
napkins, paper plates and cups

Alternate to shopping: If you prefer to give a monetary donation, please make the check payable to Christ United Methodist Church. It is very important that you write on the memo line “Food Pantry.”