The story of our faith is a story of messy middles and nuanced surprises.
Faith is more complex than this or that, black or white, true or false storytelling.
This Lent, we are wading into the middle of sacred texts to find God;
we trust that God shows up in shades of gray, rainbow hues,
and everywhere in between.
March 5
Ash Wednesday
Imposition of ashes at noon
Service with the imposition of ashes at 7 pm
“Intention & Action”
Luke 9:51-62
March 9
First Sunday of Lent
“Stranger & Neighbor”
Luke 10:25-37
March 16
Second Sunday of Lent
“Faith & Works”
Luke 10:38-42
March 23
Third Sunday of Lent
“Rest & Growth”
Luke 13:6-9
March 30
Fourth Sunday of Lent
“Lost & Found”
Luke 15:1-7
April 6
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Communion Sunday
“Righteousness & Mercy”
Luke 19:1-10
April 13
Palm/Passion Sunday
“Shouting & Silence”
Luke 19:29-40
April 17
Maundy Thursday Service with Eucharist at 7 pm
“Power & Humility”
Luke 22:1-27
April 18
Good Friday Tenebrae Service with
The Seven Last Words of Jesus at 7 pm