For the past several Sundays you’ve probably noticed that the attendance cards in church have a ‘visitation preference’ label on them. Christ United Methodist Church would like to find out how we can help you on your faith journey.  Therefore we’d like to arrange a visitation meeting with you.  Each visitation will be approximately 30-45 minutes long, and can be done wherever you prefer, whether that be in your home, at church, or in some other location.  During your visitation, we’ll be asking the following questions:

…What is your church experience and/or background?

…What was your favorite part of that experience?

…What type of activities have you enjoyed doing with your church or church relationships?

…How can Christ United Methodist Church serve you on your faith walk?

Our visitation meeting will conclude with prayer.

If you haven’t already done so, be sure to complete your visitation preference when you fill in your attendance card in worship on Sunday!