Please pray for the following:

…Carrie Jones’ mother-in-law, Judy who is very ill.  Prayers that she strengthens her relationship with God and finds peace. Also prayers for strength for her family.

…Sue Pedersen requests prayers for her grandson (husband of Crystal Erdman Henson), Jeremy Henson who is a U.S. Marine who’s been deployed to the Syrian area; and prayers for Cheri who is still in rehabilitation as she is fighting Multiple Sclerosis.

…Marty & Steve Himebaugh request prayers that Sue C. heals from her shingles, and that her energy and spirits rebound.

…former CUMC church member, Kathy Herman who is scheduled to have back surgery this coming Monday.  If you’d like to send a card her address is 122 Treasure State Drive, Great Falls MT 59404 (contact the church office at  if you’d prefer to have her email address)

Please continue to keep the following in your prayers:

…Carl Curtin (Kate Hein’s father)

…Chuck Young