A message from Gary Slagle…

On Sunday I talked in church about the United Methodist Church’s new partner program.   This program will generate a donation for our church when you shop online.  Several of you asked me to e-mail the steps you need to take to get registered so we can receive the donations.  Below is a link to the video I showed in church on Sunday, if you’d like to watch it again.


Three easy steps to get started:

1.) go to UMCMarket.org (type this into your browser’s address bar)

2.) In the “Join Now” box enter your e-mail address and password you want to use for this sight.

3.) In the “Find Your Church” box type Algonquin Christ to find our church.

Now go shop!

You will also receive an e-mail confirming your e-mail address and telling you how to claim your Amazon donations. Follow the instructions in the e-mail.

Remember you can send this to your kids or others who shop online!  You don’t need to be a member of our church.

If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me.

Happy Shopping,

Gary Slagle