Advent in December 2013 was a most excellent Advent calendar experience. Lifesong for Orphans created a calendar that allowed me to stop the first thing in the morning and realize how lucky and blessed life has been for me all December long. It helped me to recognize just how much I have, and to remember to pray for children that don’t have a family, home or a loved one in their life to love, laugh or hug.  I thank God for placing this Advent Calendar for Orphans in my hands so that we, as a family can realize how much we have to offer someone else in need, and to pray for orphans that need a loving family to call their own. I am also grateful that our church family generously opened their hearts and donated almost $500 to Lifesong for Orphans.  May God continue to help us here, at Christ United Methodist Church find ways to be a blessing to others as He is always a blessing to us…this was a great Mission!

To learn more or to donate to the Advent Orphans calendar, click here

Thank you for your caring hearts, prayers and donations.

Well done good and faithful servants.  Matthew 25:21

Kim Aupperle, Mission Team