Please pray for the following:

…for Shelli & Logan Moring’s friend, Sheril who lost her father to cancer last week.

…Compassion Child, Esther Ruth’s recent letter includes the following request: “…pray for our family because my father is sick and he has some wounds around his lungs. We need your prayers so that God can heal him.”

Please continue prayers for the following:

…Sue Vitner

…Chuck Young

…all people who are struggling to get new starts in the New Year (financial, relationships, addictions, mental health issues)

…Jud Strickland’s full recovery

…Gene Klein as he continues recovery from knee surgery

…Rev. Carl Curtin as he continues recovery from surgery

…that Dori White-Perry be able to find employment

…God’s guidance and strength for Roland Perry (Dori White-Perry’s son, and Linda White’s grandson)

Keith and Naomi DeLap and family would like to thank our church family for the prayers, love and concerns that they’ve received for Kelly as she continues chemo and continues to need all of our prayers.

Julie Kukreja asks that you please put this prayer in your heart concerning CUMC’s VBS which will be held this summer:  For all those who are thinking about serving in this ministry or have never thought about serving…we will be calling for volunteers in the near future.