United Methodist Communications now offers free…yes, that’s FREE digital subscriptions to the United Methodist Church’s top-rated publication, Interpreter.  This publication provides the latest denominational news, tips and information available.  While printed subscriptions for this important resource have an annual cost of $8, this publication is now available as a digital download, free-of-charge!

In addition, digital subscribers are now being offered a BONUS:  a digital subscription to New World Outlook where readers will find stories about church planting and growth, about United Methodists who help in the aftermath of disasters, and about missionaries who are changing lives around the world.

If you’d like to get your free digital subscription, just contact Judy Lantinen in the church office and she can take care of your request! Call Judy at 847-669-9009 (ext. 3), or send her an email: christumcalgonquin@gmail.com