Hello Church Family
Its Annual Conference time again, June 8-10. Pastor Lee, Kim, and I will be attending to celebrate the 175th session of the Northern Illinois Conference (N.I.C.). The theme this year is again “Who Is My Neighbor”, inviting us to examine our witness to children in need. This year each district is asked to contribute items to benefit the Midwest Mission Distribution Center. Items will be assembled into “layette” kits and will be provided to mothers to welcome their new child to the world. Our district is asked to contribute “infant Onesies” (newborn to 3-month size preferred). If you would like to contribute some “onesies”, they must be brought to church by Sunday morning, June 8. We will be leaving for Conference immediately after church that morning. This is short notice, since June 8th is only 2 weeks away. Please let me or Kim Aupperle know you have a donation, to make sure we have it when we leave.
Here is the link for the Legislative Documents that we will be voting on during the session. We encourage you to review these issues and share any thoughts/opinions/questions you have with me or Kim. I will be voting “yes/no” on these items and would like to know your thoughts in order to vote according to the congregation’s opinion. The information in this document is formatted in a legal format and can be confusing, but please do try to read through it. If you don’t have the time to read all of this document, please be sure to scroll down to item 700.01 (which begins on page 15 of this 22 page document) and review all from that point on through the rest of that document. You can email me or call me with any thoughts/questions you have. I appreciate your input and will use all information given to me to determine how to vote.
Thank you Church,
Peggy Literski, Lay Delegate to Annual Conference
Kim Aupperle, Alternate Delegate
If you have any problems with the above link to the Legislative Documents, go to www.umcnic.org then click on the “click here” button located to the left of the “Who is My Neighbor” banner. Then scroll down and click on the Legislative Document link.