When you incur a reimbursable expense for the Church, that expense may be credited to your contributions account as a donation if you desire. Thank you for your donation and the procedure is simple…
- Gather all receipts and mark which expenses on the receipt are reimbursable.
- Complete a CUMC Expense Reimbursement Form (forms are available in the church office), checking the appropriate code for the expense that would normally be reimbursed.
- Attach the receipts to the back of the form.
- Write “DONATION” at the top of the form and submit to the Church Office. (No “Approval” required)
- You will receive a check for the amount of the expense to be reimbursed.
- Keep the check stub for your records and sign the back of the check and return it in the envelope to the Counting Team.
- (The envelope will have the proper Contribution Coding for the donation.)
- The Counting Team will deposit the check as a contribution from you, and will enter the Contribution Code for the account that the expense was charged to.
- Your periodic contributions report will list the check as a contribution that you can use for your tax deductible contributions.
This procedure will give you concrete evidence of a donation and allow the Finance Team to more accurately analyze our actual expenses.