Please pray for the following:

…all those who are suffering from mental illness

…Ali Gilbert-Erdman as she heals from a broken elbow

…for healing, strength and direction for Breanna Erdman

…the family of Dori White-Perry’s friend, Diana King who passed away in her sleep last Sunday

…for Dori White-Perry to help her remember she was a principle player in a “God Thing” this past week.  Prayers are also needed for Dori’s sons, Roland and Trey who, for the next year or so will be going through some difficult times and trials

…for the children, teachers and their administrators as they head “Back to School”

Please continue prayers for:

…the healing of Cheri Bacon

…Paisley Anne

…Sharon Young

…Jud Strickland

…Naomi & Keith DeLap and their granddaughter Kelly Sculles and her family

…Mia & Bill Geheren and the Geheren family

…Louise Underwood

…Rev. Carl Curtin

…(Julie Kukreja’s friend) Asheley’s sister and her family