InfoServ, a ministry of United Methodist Communications, is the official information service of The United Methodist Church. We’re your connection to the worldwide United Methodist Church.  

Ask any question about The United Methodist Church. We can assist you with:

  • locating active and retired pastors and church leaders,
  • researching historical and statistical data about the church,
  • clarifying the denomination’s position on such topics as Holy Communion, baptism, worship and social issues,
  • learning what The United Methodist Church is doing in response to issues such as war, disaster, or poverty,
  • identifying opportunities for mission through service or financial gifts,
  • understanding how your financial gifts support the ministries, mission and outreach of the church,
  • suggesting resources for new and experienced leaders,
  • learning about services, resources and staff at United Methodist agencies.

You ask. We listen. We serve.

Here’s how to contact us:

PO Box 320
Nashville, TN 37202-0320
Fax: (615) 742-5423