Does God’s Word in the Bible really condemn homosexuality? This question has been the most divisive issue in the church today. The Wednesday Morning Spirituality Group invites all who’d like to know more about this. This small group on Wednesday Morning is a safe place to discuss any subject with respect. This new Bible Study will begin on July 25th. We meet at 9:00AM.
Here is an Editorial Review from Library Journal: Helminiak, a Roman Catholic priest, has done careful reading in current biblical scholarship about homosexuality. While cautioning against viewing biblical teaching as “the last word on sexual ethics,” he stresses the need for accurate understanding of what the biblical “facts” are and concludes that “the Bible supplies no real basis for the condemnation of homosexuality.” Using the studies of Yale historian John Boswell (Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe, LJ 7/94), New Testament seminary professor L. William Countryman, and others, Helminiak examines the story of Sodom (where the sin was inhospitality), Jude’s decrying sex with angels, and five texts-Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, Romans 1:27, I Corinthians 6:9, and I Timothy 1:10-all of which, he concludes, “are concerned with something other than homogenital activity itself.” Highly recommended for all libraries.