Please pray for the following:

…that Robin Deak’s brother, Ray finds employment

…Judith Aronson’s and Richard Brooke’s dear friend, Joan Souchek as she slowly recovers from the removal of a tumor on her brain, and begins a long rehabilitative physical and mental therapy

…the John Aa vang family (John is a distant relative and co-worker of Jenny Heider). John and his 7-month old daughter were struck by a car last Monday while crossing a street during their vacation in California; John, though improving, remains in intensive care while his daughter passed away on Wednesday. John’s wife (a former co-worker of Jenny’s) was not injured. John is also the cousin of the Aa vang who owns the property next to our church

…Linda White’s sister, Betty who lost her husband of 50 years in January and has now taken a couple of falls in the past few weeks and is currently hospitalized in the ICU with troubled breathing

Geri LaBeau’s daughter-in-law’s father who was in snowmobile accident last Sunday and has not yet regained consciousness

…Judy Lantinen’s friend, Barb Lepke who had a pacemaker implanted last Wednesday—this surgery was mandatory before the doctors will move forward with any procedures/treatments concerning a tumor on her lung


Please continue prayers for the following:

Violet Klein as she recovers from surgery; Muriel Wright; Deb Thomas’s friend, Lisa’s mother Kathleen who continues her battle against another cancer; Braxton Larocco’s recovery from paralysis resulting from a swimming accident; …Eleanor Kilberger’s college friend, Roselee Hicks who continues her battle against the return of breast cancer; those who are struggling with mental health issues; Paisley Ann; Rev Carl Curtin; the LaBeau Family; Louise Underwood; for strength and healing of Cheri Bacon; Pauline Green’s husband Gene; Nancy Reid; the Geheren family; Sue Choromokos; Sharon Young whose bone cancer has returned and will be having a hip replacement-she’ll also need chemotherapy for the next two years; Kelly Sculles and her family; Andrea Kane; and for those who are unemployed